
Cannon Lane

Primary School

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School Meals

What's on the menu?


Harrisons (our new catering provider) offer a large variety of meals for all dietary and religious requirements.

The menu is the same for ALL year groups. 


Who is providing meals at Cannon Lane?

School dinners are provided at Cannon Lane Primary by Harrisons Catering.


Themed menus

Harrisons will be providing 'themed' menus that celebrate Christmas Lunch, SATs, World Food Day, World Book Day, Chinese New Year and Summer during the school year.


How do I pay for school dinners?

School meals are now free for all children at Cannon Lane.

Cannon Lane School Meals Policy

Please click here to view the latest School Meals policy



School milk is available free for children under five and around £14.00 per term for over-fives.  You can register for school milk (children over 5 only) by clicking on the link below : 




