
Cannon Lane

Primary School

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Rights Respecting

Cannon Lane Primary School is delighted it is now recognised as a Gold Level Rights Respecting School. We are fully committed to helping all children learn about their rights and understanding the ways that these should be respected. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN assembly on 20th November 1989 and came into force on 2nd September 1990. It has been ratified by many nations around the world.At Cannon Lane Primary School, children are aware of their rights and understand how they should be respected both in school and at home. Weekly assemblies discuss children’s rights alongside our school values. Global issues are also discussed to help children to recognise that sadly these rights are not always respected. By exposing children to these issues, they are given the opportunity to consider ways of providing support through fund raising and awareness activities.


Our Rights Respecting Pupil Ambassadors play a vital role in the school, by delivering assemblies about the Rights of the Child in this country and around the world. These children also lead on whole school initiatives and share their thoughts and ideas with staff and governors. This has helped to empower the children and give them the confidence to challenge things affecting the rights of the child, as well as helping their peers to understand their rights around the school.


Further information about receiving the Gold Level Rights Respecting School status can be found below:
