Vision and rationale: The study of Languages prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly carried out in languages other than English. Pupils use languages to communicate information responsibly and creatively. They learn how to use languages to enable access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures. In addition, understanding a modern foreign language increases a child’s understanding of their own language.
Aims – EYFS & KS1
It is not statutory to teach a modern foreign language in EYFS and KS1, however at Cannon Lane Primary School we aim to:
- Encourage children to listen and respond to games, songs, rhymes and familiar stories in the chosen modern foreign language (French).
- Help pupils use gesture and visual prompts to begin understanding a different language, as these approaches encourage active learning and building confidence.
- Support pupils towards understanding different countries’ cultures and make simple comparisons to their own.
Aims – KS2
At Cannon Lane Primary School, we teach French in Years 3 & 4 and Mandarin in Years 5 and 6. We have specialist teachers in both languages who deliver lessons to all our pupils on a weekly basis. We aim to:
- Ensure every child has the opportunity throughout Key Stage 2 to study a foreign language and develop their interest in different cultures
- Ensure pupils’ learning is enriched in a broad curriculum to which languages contribute
- Promote: listening, speaking, reading, writing and cultural understanding.
- Help teachers to develop their confidence and competence to teach languages effectively
Cultural Capital
During Mandarin lessons children in Years 5 and 6 learnt about Chinese culture and theatre, and created their versions of a theatrical performance using shadow puppets
During Mandarin lessons, children understood about different Chinese characters and symbols and then used coloured stamps to create simple words.