Physical Education
At Cannon Lane we value the impact that a high quality Physical Education curriculum can have on the development of the child and the impact it offers for supporting our aim of having, ‘Happy, Safe and Successful children’.
Our Physical Education curriculum adheres to the aims of the National Curriculum and is planned intentionally to include: motor competence, the understanding of rules, strategies and tactics and finally the promotion of healthy participation.
In addition, we expose children to a wide variety of school sports and opportunities to learn how to be physically active.
We hope that this experience will lay the foundations for children to have healthy and active lifestyle with a passion for physical activity and participation in sport in the future.
How is PE taught at Cannon Lane?
The curriculum offer has been designed so that skills and knowledge of what pupils are learning and why are built on each year. This gives children the opportunity to develop depth in their performance and understanding, whilst providing opportunities for children to, ‘Share, Try, Aspire, Respect and Shine’.
At Cannon Lane children in KS1 and KS2 access two PE lessons a week delivered either by the class teacher, our specialist PE coach or an external sport specialist. In EYFS, pupils challenge their physical development through continuous provision in the learning environment and with one lesson a week delivered by the class teacher.
We use ‘Complete P.E’ - an interactive, primary Physical Education resource designed to support the implementation of a high quality Physical Education curriculum and product partner of the Youth Sports Trust.
EYFS and KS1
As children move through Reception (EYFS) to Year 1 and 2 (KS1) they learn about the fundamentals of movement; revising and refining movement skills that they have already acquired in the early years. The fundamentals of movement form the building blocks for more complex movement skills are broken into three areas:
Children in these year groups have a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination whilst working individually and with others. They participate in modified team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending and perform in both gymnastics and dance, using simple movement patterns or sequences.
The curriculum focus is on children applying their previously learnt skills and developing a broader range of skills. Children then learn how to apply them within; invasion games, striking and fielding, net/ wall games and in dance, gymnastics and appropriate athletics disciplines. We also teach children how to officiate games and events, give and receive respectful feedback which allows them to show a deeper understanding of their skills, rules and sportsmanship.
In KS2 we teach lessons to help children:
Cannon Lane currently provides children in Year 5 with a one-week intensive swimming course at a local swimming pool. They are assessed by qualified swimming teachers and are then grouped to provide them with personalised learning matched to their ability and previous experience.
They are taught to;