
Cannon Lane

Primary School

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Art & Design

At Cannon Lane Primary School we believe that every child is entitled to a high quality arts education, both practical and theoretical. Art and design offers opportunities for all children to explore, express and communicate their feelings whilst gaining experiences of the wider world. Through experiencing art, children develop creative thinking, communication skills, self-esteem and confidence. Our pupils are encouraged to develop an understanding and appreciation of different art forms and the works of great artists. They explore different styles and develop their artistic skills through practical lessons involving sketching using various mediums, collage, printing, painting and ceramics work.


In addition to the Art and Design lessons, art is embedded across the curriculum to allow children to embrace learning in other subjects in a creative and stimulating way. Children also have access to extra-curricular art activities and experiences.


At Cannon Lane we are proud to have achieved Arts Mark status three times and are currently in the process of achieving Arts Mark status again. Helping us to continuously reflect and improve on current practice, we have arts ambassadors who provide an important pupil voice on the arts.




At Cannon Lane ,we aim for our children to be STARS in their Art and Design lessons.


We aim for children to SHARE their imaginative ideas collaboratively or individually; TRY their best whilst learning a new skill ; be ASPIRATIONAL with their creativity and technical competence ; RESPECT other children’s learning and the work of artists; and SHINE whilst they show off their final pieces whilst they evaluate them.


All learning is adapted so all children can achieve and make progress.



At Cannon Lane we have a strong commitment to art and design to ensure a full and rounded education for all pupils. We aim to:

  1. Provide all children with an education in art and design that is stimulating, enriching and inspiring through curricular and extra-curricular learning.
  2. Foster creativity and develop technical competence which will enable pupils to realise their creative intention.
  3. Develop an appreciation of art through experiences with art professionals and visits to galleries, and the encouragement of critical thinking.
  4. Encourage pupils to recognise and embrace the therapeutic nature of art, developing mindfulness, self-esteem and confidence.



Creativity Week 23- 24 


The children of Cannon Lane Primary School had a great time throughout Creativity Week exploring the theme, The Future: What would happen if... 
Every child created a final piece on canvas based on their year group's sub topic. These included: deforestation, sea pollution, climate change and endangered animals. 
Take a look at the slide show below to see the children's outcomes. I'm sure you will agree that the artwork looks AMAZING!



Creativity Week 23-24

Pinner High Project - Year 5


Each Year 5 class visited Pinner High Art department for a printing and typography workshop. Each student created their own statement art. During PinnFest last week, some of the inspirational artwork was exhibited at Pinner High. All of these amazing pieces of art will be displayed back at Cannon Lane. Well done Year 5!

Pinner High Project - Year 5
