
Cannon Lane

Primary School

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Our Vision: At Cannon Lane our aim is to foster in our children a passion for music that will lead them to have a lifelong enjoyment of music making. Music is a part of school life across all Key Stages and is intrinsically woven into children’s wider learning experiences. We set high expectations but above all, we want children to love and appreciate what music can bring to their lives.






Our music curriculum is designed to produce well rounded musicians who will be well prepared to meet the requirements of Key Stage 3 music once they move onto high school and beyond.


  • ​Children are taught how to perform confidently, develop their individual creative voice through composition and listen attentively and analytically to music across all Key Stages.
  • ​Each year our curriculum aims to build upon certain key principles. These include: rhythm and tempo; pitch and harmony; dynamics and significant current and historical figures/works.
  •  ​New knowledge and skills are presented to the children as a way to access exciting new learning experiences, with lessons centred around creative and exploratory activities. This organic development of skills and knowledge allows for flexibility for children’s different start points. Children are always being challenged.
  • ​​Staff receive support and CPD from a designated specialist subject leader to ensure high standards.


We are delighted, since 2020, to have been nominated as a Music Mark School in recognition of our commitment to delivering high quality music education.



Music at Cannon Lane

Improvised Composition inspired by Space Travel

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Curriculum Overview


The National Curriculum places emphasis upon three main study areas: Performing, responding to and composing music. EYFS to Year 3 places a greater focus on responding to and performing music, whilst still allowing opportunities for creative expression and improvisation. It is vital the children’s perception of musical changes and ability to communicate musically with their peers is developed rapidly at this stage. In Years 4 to 6 the expectation is that all children should be responding to stimuli (musical/visual/aural), composing original pieces inspired by this stimuli and then conducting a series of work in-progress performances allowing for development through peer and teacher feedback. 


Cultural Capital

We are committed to developing children's cultural capital, providing children with extensive opportunities to access musical experiences as listeners, performers and creators. 

We collaborate with external music organisations to provide our pupils with the opportunity to hear professional musicians performing and sharing their love of the art form. Harrow Music Service's Staff Band regularly visit the school and we have also hosted performances by the City of London Sinfonia and Pavilion Opera.

Children’s love of collective music making is fostered through weekly singing assemblies, with a focus on fostering healthy vocal technique and well-being.

Cannon Lane also offers an extensive range of extra-curricular activities. These include a Composers Club, Choir, Rock Band, Ukulele Band, Steel Pans Band, Year 3 and 4 String Orchestra, Year 5 and 6 String Orchestra, Wind Band and Orchestra. We provide inclusive access to small group instrumental tuition through Harrow Music Service, with over 50% of children in Key Stage 2 studying an instrument in school. This commitment enables the school to take part in and host a wide array of performance opportunities throughout the academic year and ensure that every child has the opportunity to sing and play together.

Ukraine Bell Carol performed by the Cannon Lane Orchestra

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