
Cannon Lane

Primary School

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Latest information on COVID-19 isolation period

The chart below is the latest government advice on how long to isolate following a positive Lateral Flow test.





Covid-19 ‘Catch up’ at Cannon Lane Primary School

In June 2020, the government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up on missed learning caused by coronavirus (COVID19). This is especially important for the most vulnerable pupils and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds who we know have been most affected. This funding includes:


  • a one-off universal £650 million catch-up premium for the 2020 to 2021 academic year to ensure that schools have the support they need to help all pupils make up for missed learning
  • a £350 million National Tutoring Programme to provide additional, targeted support for those children and young people who need the most help, which includes:

           - a schools programme for 5 to 16-year-olds – for more information, see the National Tutoring Programme FAQs

           - 16 to 19 tuition fund

           - an oral language intervention programme for reception-aged children.


Further guidance has now been released ( showing that the money is to be divided between a catch-up premium and a national tutoring scheme. The money for the catch up premium is designed to ensure that schools have the support they need for all pupils make up for lost teaching time, and the money for the national tutoring school is designed to provide additional, targeted support for those children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The catch-up premium is funded on a per pupil basis at £80 per pupil. This will be based on the previous year’s census, meaning that Cannon Lane School will be receive £65,360 (817 children x £80).  The government has made it clear that the spending of this money will be down to schools to allocate as they see fit. To support schools to make the best use of this funding, the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has published a support guide for schools with evidence-based approaches to catch up for all students:


The priorities for “catch up” at Cannon Lane are as follows:

1. Ensure all children are attending school regularly

2. Ensure children are emotionally ready for returning to formal learning

3. Ensure consistently high-quality teaching and learning across the school

4. Ensure the curriculum is reviewed and revisits any gaps

5. Provide targeted curriculum support for pupils at risk of falling behind

6. Ensure remote learning is effective and available to all children. 


At Cannon Lane, following the advice from the EEF the Covid-19 ‘Catch up’ money will be used in order to provide:

  • Curriculum resources and materials that support mental health and well-being of pupils;
  • The purchase of curriculum resources and materials that support “catch up”; 
  • Employment of two experienced teachers to tutor small groups of children who have been identified as needing “catch up” in their learning across the school
  • 1:1 and small group interventions for children identified as needing additional support


Catch Up at Cannon Lane Primary School is:

(For all children)

  • Time spent on mental health, well being and social skills development. This will be at the core of all catch up work as many children will have not been in formal school setting for a number of months. We will use our bespoke scheme of work (Jigsaw) to deliver our PSHE curriculum, alongside this additional time will be spent focusing on mental health and well-being, for example the Daily Mile.
  • Working through well sequenced, purposeful planning. For example, teachers have adapted planning in order to focus on missed objectives and to consolidate the basics.
  • Focus on consolidation of basic skills. The core skills, which enable successful learning, will require increased curriculum time across all year groups. These include: handwriting, spelling of high frequency words, basic sentence punctuation, times tables recall, basic addition & subtraction fact recall and reading skills relevant to age.
  • Particular focus on early reading and phonics. This is always a focus in the school and will continue to be so in order to develop children’s reading ability and vocabulary. Reception and Years 1 and 2 will continue with daily phonics lessons to ensure all children are confident with their phonic sounds.
  • Assessment of learning and of basic skills to identify major gaps. Teachers will identify gaps in learning and adapt teaching accordingly.
  • Ensuring high levels of challenge.  Teachers and leaders will monitor and evaluate teaching and learning to ensure that there are high levels of challenge across all areas of the curriculum.

 (For some children)

  • Additional support and focus on basic core skills. Supported by an experienced teachers and support staff, utilising catch up premium – dependent on need as identified through ongoing teacher assessment.
  • Additional time to practise basic skills. This again will be dependent on need of children in order to re-establish good progress in the essentials (phonics and reading, increasing vocabulary, writing and mathematics). This additional support will be provided by Higher Level Teaching Assistants and classroom support in each phase.

Senior Leaders (and school governors) will continue to review the school’s approach to ‘catch-up’ based on the level need and changing circumstances.

Please view the documents below for information on the school's action during the COVID-19 outbreak

For information on COVID Testing in Harrow please view the document from Harrow Council in the link below.
