Our Vision: At Cannon Lane, our aim is to provide pupils with the opportunity to learn, understand and apply the fundamental skills of computing science, coding and data representation in a safe and fun way.
We provide pupils the opportunity to explore a variety of engaging topics and follow the Rising Stars Programme. Pupils are taught to analyse problems using computational terminology and algorithms. |
Switched on Computing includes six flexible units for each year group covering:
All pupils are encouraged to have equal opportunities for practical experiences to write and debug code, blog and make films through a range of programmes and apps including: J2E Coding, Kodu, 2Coding, Scratch, Kahoot, Minecraft, Lego, Movie Maker and Espresso. Pupils also have access to Windows 10 PCs, laptops and I-Pads.
All pupils are carefully supported to be confident yet safe and responsible users of technology and the Internet, through regular online safety lessons, workshops and assemblies. Newsletters are regularly sent home to keep parents and carers up to date about online safety, social media and games. |
We aim to ensure that:
Cultural Capital
Coding club
Children from Year 2 to Year 6 have had the opportunity to join a coding club after school. They learnt the fundamentals of coding using programs such as Python and Scratch to further enhance their skills.
Hour of Code
Children participated in the 'Hour of Code' during STEM week. Based on their coding level, children completed a coding project in one hour. If you would like to access these resources at home visit https://hourofcode.com/uk.
During STEM week, children participated in a virtual reality workshop focusing on different aspects of the curriculum such as the environment, animals and space.