
Cannon Lane

Primary School

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What is the Governing Board's Purpose?


The governors are the strategic leaders of schools and they have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. The Governing Board is the school’s key strategic decision-making body. It has a collective, legal responsibility for the effective management of the school, acting within a framework established by national legislation and the school’s agreed policies, and ensuring all statutory duties are met.

The Education Act 2002 states that the purpose of maintained school Governing Board is to 'conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school'. In all types of schools, governing bodies focus on three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent


Governors are volunteers who bring knowledge, skills and different perspectives from their work and life experiences. They are not paid for their work. Many of them have full-time jobs and all have other commitments. They sometimes take time off from their work to visit the school or attend meetings, although most meetings are held in the evening.


Governors are not expected to take detailed decisions about the day-to-day running of the school. That is the responsibility of the headteacher - although the Headteacher will discuss most aspects of school life with the Governors. The partnership between the Headteacher, staff, Governors, parents, pupils and the wider community determines how well the school functions.

Who is Represented?


When Cannon Lane First and Junior Schools amalgamated on 1 September 2013 the Governing Board reconstituted to become the Cannon Lane Primary School Governing Board.

The Governing Board comprises:

  • 4 Parent Governors - elected by the parents
  • 6 Co-opted Governors - appointed by other members of the Governing Board (one who is a member of staff) 2 Staff Governors, comprising the Headteacher, and one staff Governor elected by the staff
  • 1 Local Authority (LA) Governor - nominated by Harrow Council.


In addition, Associate Members can also be appointed by the Governing Board to serve on one or more Governing Board committees to contribute to areas where they have a particular expertise e.g. finance, legal, marketing. However, they do not have voting rights.


The school's Deputy Headteacher attends as an observer to the Governing Board.

What Does the Governing Board Do?


The Governing Board meets each half term, so that is six meetings every school year. There are three committees:


  • The Finance and Personnel Committee, which deals with finance, staffing, and related policies
  • The Curriculum and Community Committee who monitor pupil progress and attainment, and develop links within the school and wider community
  • The Premises Health and Safety Committee ensures the school provides a safe, healthy, sustainable environment for staff, pupils and visitors. To include health and safety, premises issues, maintenance of school buildings, grounds, and equipment


There are also smaller committees and working groups which review areas such as the school development plan, staff pay and performance management, deal with safeguarding.

Individual Governors are also linked to a particular subject area, meeting termly with each subject leader.


As well as attending the regular Governing Board and committee meetings, Governors:


  • Meet regularly with senior leaders and middle managers,
  • Undertake learning walks and visits to meet staff and pupils, seeing at first-hand how the school works
  • Organise opportunities to meet parents and the wider community
  • Keep up to date with new legislation and education changes through reading and research
  • Undertake regular training organised by the Harrow Support Services for Education (HSSE).

Interested in Becoming a Governor?


If you would like to find out more about becoming a school Governor, please contact us using the online contact form or via the school office. More information may also be found at Harrow Council website's School Governor section, the National Governor Association and the DfE.

Harrow Council provides free training for new Governors and we have an in-house induction programme for new Governors to help you in this important role.

Members of the Governing Board


Sarah Skerton

Chair of Governing Body & Local Authority Appointed Governor

I became a Parent Governor of Cannon Lane First School in 2005 when both my sons attended the school. In 2009 I became vice chair and have been Chair since the school amalgamated to become Cannon Lane Primary School in 2013. During this time, it's been a privilege to have taken an active part in working with our children, staff and governors to develop and expand Cannon Lane Primary School. I believe all children are entitled to achieve their potential, by us providing an excellent standard of education and environment for them to learn in.

Type of Governor:

Chair of Governors & Local Authority

Appointment Body:

Local Authority

Term Start:

01 September 2021

Term End:

31 August 2025


Finance & Personnel, Curriculum & Community and Premises, Health & Safety


Personal, Social & Health Education Governor

Pecuniary and Personal Interests:


FGB Attendance 2022/2023:



Jaqueline Lack

Vice Chair and Co-opted Governor

I was co-opted as a governor at Cannon Lane Primary School in January 2023. I worked in education for over 40 years and was the Head Teacher of a primary school for 18 years before my retirement.


I am a passionate about children's learning and hope I can bring experience and knowledge to the Governing Body. I believe that every child is entitled to a good all-round education, whatever their ability and that as a school we must strive to meet their needs within a fun and safe learning environment.


I look forward to working with the Head Teacher, Governors, parents and staff to continue to provide excellent opportunities for Cannon Lane pupils.

Type of Governor:Co-opted
Appointment Body:Governing Body
Term Start:30 January 2023
Term End:29 January 2027
Committees:Premises, Health & Safety 
Responsibilities:Vice Chair, SEND and Music
Pecuniary and Personal Interests:None
FGB Attendance 2022/2023:3/3


Jonathan S. Simons

Co-Opted Governor

I started as a Governor at Cannon Lane (First, Middle and now Primary) School since my sons attended, and have subsequently been fortunate enough to have been a Local Authority Governor and continued as a Co-Opted Governor since then.

The Governing Body is a crucial part of the Management of the School as it sets, with the Headteacher, the strategic route of the school, and I feel honoured to have been part of that process for many years.

Type of Governor:Co-Opted
Appointment Body:Governing Body
Term Start:04 November 2017
Term End:03 November 2025
Committees:Chair of Premises, Health & Safety
Responsibilities:RE, Relationships & Sex Education, Rights Respecting School Award and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Values
Pecuniary and Personal Interests:None
FGB Attendance 2022/2023:4/6


Lucy Yasin

Parent Governor

I was elected as a Parent Governor in December 2021 and privileged to serve as Chair for the 2022/23 academic year. 


I am passionate about ensuring the best educational experience for all children and dedicated to ensuring that the governing body works in the most efficient and effective way alongside my fellow governors, the Senior Leadership Team and wider staff.


I have a strong background in governance and have been Deputy Director of Corporate Governance for Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust since July 2023.  Prior to this I held a number of governance roles at the British Transport Police Authority with my final role being Head of Governance and Compliance from 2017-2023. There is significant cross-over between my career and the role of school governor meaning I bring a unique perspective having seen governance in action in a number of sectors/roles.


I have a certificate in Corporate Governance, a Masters degree with distinction in Business Psychology and I am currently studying for an ‘Advanced Certificate in Healthcare Governance’.

Type of Governor:


Appointment Body:

Elected by Parents

Term Start:

01 December 2021

Term End:

31 November 2025


Finance & Personnel


Maths and P.E

Pecuniary and Personal Interests:


FGB Attendance 2022/2023:



Selina Connick

Staff Governor


I joined the Governing Board in February 2021 as a Staff Governor.  My teaching career started in 2010, then in 2018 I joined the teaching team at Cannon Lane Primary School.  My teaching experience spans across all Primary years.  Currently I am a Year 1 teacher and a PE Subject Leader.


 Out of school my interests include ballet, running, walking my dog and looking after my children.


Becoming part of the Governing Board will enable me to share my experiences as a member of staff with the Governors, whilst also gaining an insight of the various roles and responsibilities being a School Governor involves.

Type of Governor:

Co-Opted by Staff

Appointment Body:

Elected by Staff

Term Start:

05 February 2021

Term End:

04 February 2025


Curriculum & Community



Pecuniary and Personal Interests:


FGB Attendance 2022/2023:




Rachel Willmott

Co-opted Governor

I joined Cannon Lane Primary School in 2017 as a Year 3 teacher. This academic year, I have moved to Year 6 and have taken on the role of Maths Leader, which has allowed me to gain experience in both Key Stages within the school. This has helped me get a wider understanding of the support needed for children to move forward and the support needed by teachers to help them.

Prior to teaching at Cannon Lane, I was a teaching assistant, which gave me an insight into schools from a different viewpoint

I am looking forward to bringing my viewpoint as a staff member to the meetings and seeing the school from a different perspective.
Type of Governor:Co-opted
Appointment Body:Governing Body
Term Start:30 September 2019
Term End:02 October 2027
Committees:Premises, Health & Safety
Pecuniary and Personal Interests:Relative is Clerk to Governors at Kingsley, Roxbourne School and Norbury School
FGB Attendance 2022/2023:



Dr Kerry Day

Co-opted Governor


I have had the privilege of being a governor at Cannon Lane since 2013 – initially as a parent governor and now as a co-opted governor. I have been the designated safeguarding governor for 9 years and I am also responsible for monitoring pupil premium. Other responsibilities include being the link governor for EYFS and as part of the curriculum and community committee.

As a paediatrician, the development of children is something I have always cared passionately about. I believe an education that is inspiring, wide ranging and fun gives young people the best possible start in life. I enjoy my role, ensuring that high standards of learning are delivered and by providing strategic leadership and accountability to support the school as it grows.

Type of Governor:Co-opted
Appointment Body:Elected by Governing Body
Term Start:04 November 2021
Term End:03 November 2025
Committees:Curriculum and Community
Responsibilities:Safeguarding, Pupil Premium and EYFS
Pecuniary and Personal Interests:Governor at Pinner High School
FGB Attendance 2022/2023:6/6


Malvi Patel

Parent Governor

I have been a parent of the school since 2015 and currently have 3 sons attending Cannon Lane. I have always taken an active interest in the school and have enjoyed volunteering at various events at school over the years.

I am an Optometrist and am currently working as the resident Optometrist at a large Special School in Brent where I am in charge of looking after all 300 children's eyes. In addition to this, I am the finance manager at a family GP Practice in Hillingdon.

I strongly believe in a holistic approach to a child's education where their mental and social well-being should be on par with their academic achievements. I am an Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner and have delivered Mindfulness workshops to both pupils and staff at Cannon Lane in the past.

I look forward to the new challenges of being a parent governor and working with the school to help maintain the current high standards that have been set.

Type of Governor:Parent
Appointment Body:Elected by Parents
Term Start:14 May 2021
Term End:13 May 2025
Committees:Chair of Curriculum & Community
Pecuniary and Personal Interests:None
FGB Attendance 2022/2023:6/6


Lakshminarayanan Seshan

Parent Governor

I became a Parent Governor of Cannon Lane Primary School in November 2022. I have two sons studying in the school.  I look forward to representing the views of parents and students in ensuring that the school continues to maintain its high standards and reputation. I have varied experience in IT, Operations and Banking across India, UK and US. I am currently working as Chief Financial Officer for a mid-sized International Bank and looking forward to bringing my experience in corporate governance, Finance and Banking experience to the role.

Type of Governor:Parent
Appointment Body:Elected by parents
Term Start:17 October 2022
Term End:16 October 2026
Committees:Finance & Personnel
Pecuniary and Personal Interests:None
FGB Attendance 2022/2023:3/5


Priya Bansal Williams

Co-opted Governor

 Awaiting Content
Type of Governor:Co-opted
Appointment Body:Governing Body
Term Start:30 January 2023
Term End:29 January 2027
Committees:Premises, Health & Safety
Responsibilities:History, Geography and MFL 
Pecuniary and Personal Interests:None
FGB Attendance 2022/2023:1/3


Raj Patel

Co-opted Governor

Following his studies at London Guildhall University, obtaining a BA Hons degree in Business Communications, Raj’s teaching career started firstly as an IT and Business teacher in a secondary school in Westminster. Raj has always had a passion for trying new roles, meeting new people, and gaining life experiences that have shaped him as a leader – having travelled the world and worked in US summer camps in his youth.


After taking time away from teaching to work as an IT Project Manager for a merchant bank, Raj returned to his true passion of teaching as a Head of Department and senior leader in Camden. Since then, Raj has had many significant career achievements, including giving presentations to groups of international dignitaries about technology in education, to going on a study tour with other Headteachers to Apple headquarters to learn about innovation, culture and strategy. More recently, for the past 12 years, Raj’s career has centred around working at another Harrow secondary school, Bentley Wood, as the Deputy Headteacher and Head of School. Raj obtained his NPQH in 2017 and completed his MBA last year.


Raj lives in Harrow with his wife and two children, one at university and the other going in September, and his Bichon dog called Sky. In his free time, Raj has a passion for keeping fit and staying active, particularly learning to play Padel tennis and attending spin sessions. Raj’s extensive experience has meant he has learnt many valuable lessons that aid his leadership of Pinner High, namely that carrying passion and creativity alongside kindness and compassion can help improve the teaching, learning and, more importantly, the care provided to young people. Raj firmly believes that strong ethical values are essential in today’s modern society, alongside a sense of humour.


As Headteacher of Pinner High School, Raj has a simple vision that centres around sky-high expectations, creating a community that nurtures ambition and equality for all. A school with exceptional standards at every level.

Type of Governor:Co-opted
Appointment Body:Governing Body
Term Start:03 October 2023
Term End:02 October 2027
Committees:Finance & Personnel
Responsibilities:Art & DT
Pecuniary and Personal Interests:Headteacher at Pinner High School
FGB Attendance  2022/2023: N/A


Sarah Keshani

Parent Governor

Awaiting Content Awaiting Content
Type of Governor:Parent
Appointment Body:Elected by Parents
Term Start: 
Term End: 
Pecuniary and Personal Interests: 
FGB Attendance 2022/2023: 



Co-Opted Governor


If you are interested in becoming a Co-Opted Governor, please follow the link below
Become a school governor – London Borough of Harrow 

Type of Governor:Co-opted
Appointment Body:Governing Body
Term Start: 
Term End: 
Pecuniary and Personal Interests: 
FGB Attendance  2022/2023:  

Former Governors

