
Cannon Lane

Primary School

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Our Vision: Through teaching our PSHE curriculum, our aim is to provide our children with the language and tools they need so that they can be happy, safe and successful for the rest of their lives.

PSHE Education (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) allows pupils to aquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to successfully manage their lives - both now and in the future. Cannon Lane follows the Jigsaw scheme of work, which is supported by the PSHE Association.

PSHE enables pupils to develop the knowledge and understanding of their own and different beliefs, financial wellbeing, tobacco, drug and alcohol education, mental and physical health, relationships and sex education, and wellbeing. We prepare children to understand their rights, responsibilities, develop integrity and independence in building respect for their environments and communities.

At Cannon Lane, we want children to have the vocabulary to talk about mental health and an understanding of how to stay healthy physically by learning how to make healthy choices. We want children to understand how to manage money more responsibly and how to develop healthy relationships. We do this through the teaching of our curriculum, which you can see at the bottom of the page.



Curriculum Overview                   


"Jigsaw is a unique, spiral, progressive and effective scheme of work, aiming to prepare children/young people for life, helping them to really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world."

At Cannon Lane, we use the Jigsaw approach to PSHE. The scheme has six different units of learning

  1. Being Me in My World in Autumn 1
  2. Celebrating Differences in Autumn 2
  3. Dreams and Goals in Spring 1
  4. Changing Me in Spring 2
  5. Relationships in Summer 1
  6. Healthy Me in Summer 2


To find out more about Jigsaw, click here.



For more information about how RSHE is taught at Cannon Lane, please click on the link to our RSHE Policy

Anti - Bullying weeks at Cannon Lane 

'All Different, All the Same'

Every November, Cannon Lane takes part in Anti-Bullying Week in accordance with the Anti-Bullying Alliance. It's aim to bring awareness about bullying to children and young people through education at school. Each year, we take part in a variety of activities, themed days and a whole-school art project. 


For Anti-Bullying Week in 2020 , our theme was "All Different, All the Same" and we focused on the book 'Let's Talk About Race' by Julius Lester. 

We took part in activities around race and acceptance. We talked about what makes us special and unique.


Anti-Bullying week is kicked off by 'Odd Socks Day' which is a chance for each member of the school community to come to school in fun and colourful socks. Odd socks show us that while we are all different and may look different on the outside, we are all equal. Anti-Bullying week always produces wonderful work and a close sense of school community.


This is a display made by the Year 6 children of poetry inspired by 'Let's Talk About Race'.

'One Kind Word'


At Cannon Lane, we are committed to making our school a happy environment that is safe and happy for our pupils. In working toward this goal, we had a theme of 'One Kind Word' , where children explored small acts of kindness and how to make school a happier place for everyone. 

This particular week was centered around two different books about being kind: Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller and The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig. The children worked on vocabulary building activities, drama activities, reflective work around different perspectives, and some mindfulness. We celebrated kind children, kind teachers and the everyday acts of kindness. 

Ripple of Kindness

Still image for this video
All the children and staff in school were invited to add kind words all over the pavement in the playground. They ranged from happy words to motivational phrases. Every child, from Reception to Year 6 took part! Have a look at this wonderful display.