We hope you find the following information, links and resources useful for supporting children's emotional health and wellbeing.
Please get in touch with Mrs Brown (Deputy Headteacher) or Mrs Wallis (Learning Mentor) if you would like any additional support.
We have a therapist in school 2 days a week to support children across the school so please feel free to contact us if you feel you child would benefit from this. Our therapist supports individuals and groups of children and offers a 'drop in' for our Year 6 children.
At Cannon Lane we have two members of staff who have been trained as Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA) who can deliver support to children. Please follow this link for more information on the ELSA programme or contact us at school to find out more information https://www.elsanetwork.org/about/the-network/
At Cannon Lane we are very proud to have been running the Rainbows programme since 2017. The programme supports children with dealing with significant loss and change in their life. Please get in touch with us if you would like more information about this. https://rainbowsgb.org/parents-and-carers/
We also work in partnership with Harrow Early Support and are committed to supporting children and families with different aspects of parenting. Please again talk to us if you would like any additional support.
The Young Harrow Foundation has lots of different resources, links and organisations to support children and young people