Our Vision: At Cannon Lane, we aim to develop children’s knowledge and understanding about the major world faiths, including Jainism, Bah’ai, Zoroastrianism and Humanism.
By equipping children with the confidence to address some of the most crucial questions about religion, they will have the opportunity to investigate and reflect on some of the most fundamental concepts addressed by people and enhance their curiosity about different belief systems. |
Curriculum Intent:
At Cannon Lane, we aim for our children to be STARS in Religious Education. We aim for children to SHARE their thoughts and beliefs about different faiths and belief systems; TRY their best to understand similarities and differences between different religions; be ASPIRATIONAL by making links between personal understanding and key ideas about different religions; RESPECT other faiths and SHINE by being proud of who they are and what they believe in. All learning is adapted so all children can achieve and make progress.
The Religious Education and World Views curriculum at Cannon Lane, follows the Harrow Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education- Widening Diversity:
Curriculum overview:
We teach R.E. creatively and wherever possible take a practical approach to engage children in hands on learning, through experiential learning – exploring artefacts, visiting places of worship and celebrating festivals. We teach in this way to ensure that our children develop transferable skills that link to learning across the range of primary subjects:
Cultural Capital:
Our Religious Education curriculum is designed to foster children with an inquisitive mindset to challenge and understand their immediate environment and the wider world. It provides children with essential knowledge about world religions and local communities, so that they are global citizens. Our RE syllabus covers a wide range of topics that link to religious and non-religious views that allow children to broaden their learning about different belief systems. It also provides children with opportunities to develop their critical and reflective thinking which will help to inform their own choices in life, through visits to places of worship and visitors coming to our school to talk about different values.